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How a Video Inspired Me To Create More

That’s the crucial difference between having an idea and making it happen. Take the first step. Action it. Build from there. That’s the greater message manifested in ‘Me at the zoo’.

How a Video Inspired Me To Create More

I’d like to share with you an inspiring moment I experienced a few days ago; While browsing Youtube, I came across the first video ever uploaded on it. It is ‘Me at the zoo’, by user ‘jawed’ (nothing less than Jawed Karim, co-founder of the platform). It doesn’t look like much, it’s just a 20-second playful video, perhaps made as a test or to kickstart video uploads. It has virtually nothing to do with the professional, refined and high-quality platform that Youtube is today.

Nonetheless, when I watched it, it hit me in a particular way, I felt inspired and motivated. This is because I realized the importance of taking the first step in building something. I realized that things don’t have to be perfect at first, they just need to be there. Then you can build on them, and transform them into something better as you go along.

And that’s the crucial difference between having an idea and making it happen. Take the first step. Action it. Build from there. That’s the greater message manifested in ‘Me at the zoo’.

Now, am I overthinking the video? Probably, I might be romanticizing it. My point is, start doing something, it doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to be there. You can then start thinking about improvements. Suddenly, everything will fall into place, and you’ll start having more and more ideas.

Yes, be realistic. But don’t be afraid to try, and stick to it.

(Just Do It) etc.

Gabriel Mazza profile image Gabriel Mazza